Matte Meehan Consulting

Business Owner


The irony of this blog is that I would consider myself self employed which is why this article is a little late. My goal is to become a business owner which means spending more time working ON the business and less time IN the business. 

If you consider yourself self employed and enjoy selling home improvements, working up estimates, managing projects and speaking with homeowners, then keep up the good work! If you are doing the tasks above but have aspirations to be more of a business owner as defined above, then keep reading.

Almost every person we speak to gets into the home remodeling business because they are true experts in their field, and they are typically really good at one aspect of the business. For example, a roofing and siding expert who has a lot of connections with installers or a window expert who really understands online marketing. They get their business going but fast forward 5-10 years and the business hasn’t grown that much and they are drowning in their own work. They aren’t functioning as business owners, but have turned themselves into 3 employees in 1. This constant juggling act and poor time management leaves them stressed, rushed and on edge. Don’t get me wrong, they make decent money but at what cost? 

The dream of actually running a business has become a pipedream.

Time and time again, we have seen contractors running around, doing a million things, and driving themselves into the ground. Owning a business should be fulfilling, not chaotic. At Matte Meehan, it is not uncommon for us to play phone and email tag with many of our clients early on because they don’t even realize how busy they are. Once we go over their goals and discuss their dreams for their company, owners feel lighter, excited and energized to get to work.

We are in the business of helping self employed contractors become TRUE business owners. 

If this sounds like you or someone you know, send them our way.

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