The days of the hard sell are over, at least if you want to have a brand that is reputable in the home remodeling industry. Too many times, sales reps get emotionally invested in their own personal gain – most often a commission – from closing home improvement sales. Armed with a litany of ways to overcome homeowners objections, they can come off as defensive or even hostile at times. Reps are trying to win an argument instead of overcoming an objection. Until you can pay your bills with “won arguments,” it is better to try to understand where the homeowner is coming from. (See our blog post on listening to start.)
Let’s assume you have actually been listening to your homeowners and they are expressing hesitations. Lead the conversation with humility:
- “I understand where you are coming from…”
- “Everything you have said so far makes sense to me…”
- “Many people I talk to are in the exact same situation as you…”
- “You make valid points, and I’d be saying the same thing…”
You have to let them know that you know where they are coming from. If winning the sale was as simple as, “you need a roof and we have roofs,” then everyone in the construction industry would be rich.
Think about it, you have spent a short amount of time with these homeowners, and they may need to be massaged into the sale. You likely know nothing about their true financial situation, their decision-making process, or if they’ve ever been in this situation before. This may be your 200th appointment, but it is their first!
Home Improvement Sales can be difficult (and needless to say, expensive!). There are high complaint rates for these types of projects, and homeowners know this. Ask them about their previous experiences; I’m willing to bet it won’t be sunshine and rainbows. Be on the same side of the table with your homeowners when letting them know you are the right company for this project and stop trying to just get a sale.
Use life’s golden rule and treat others the way you want to be treated and let the homeowners’ decision take care of itself.
Reach out to us for more information on how to close more sales.